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Stefan Snickare Entreprenad AB - Certificate
This is a certificate that the company is authorized by GVK.
GVK (Swedish Flooring Trade Association Wetroom Control) is a foundation consisting of organizations and companies working on a national level towards the common goal of reducing water damage in wet rooms.
Through GVK, these organizations and companies together provide industry GVK´s Trade Regulations (GVKs Branschregler) for waterproof layers in thin-layer-constructions. That is to say either with an plastic carpet as a combined surface and waterproof layer or with a surface layer of ceramic tiles fitted with an adhesive directly onto a waterproof layer of plastic carpet, a waterproof sheeting or a liquid-based waterproof layer.
N.B. The supplier´s instructions for installation must always be complied with.
GVK's activities are covered by floor coverings and wall coverings in wet rooms and are administered by the foundation company AB Svensk Våtrumskontroll. GVK has coordinated and created a standard of how a wet room should be designed and constructed. Recurring random controls of completed wet rooms helps to maintain high quality in performance and provide the industry with continuous improvements.
"Wet room" refers to floors and walls in bath and shower rooms, and floors in restrooms, laundries and spaces with hot water heater.
The rules (GVK´s Branschregler) apply to new construction, extension and renovation.
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